What is a Stoic? Understanding Stoicism in Simple Terms

What is Stoicism? A Simple Guide

Introduction to Stoicism

Today, we're diving into a fascinating topic: Stoicism.

You might have heard the term "Stoic" before, but what does it really mean? Let's explore this ancient philosophy in a way that's easy to understand. Here, we'll explain its core principles.

Stoicism can help you handle life's ups and downs with a calm and clear mind. Ready? Let's get started! You can learn more about how Stoicism works in our Stoic Practices section.

If you're interested in Stoic anger management, we have an excellent guide that dives deep into the topic.

Ancient Greek Stoic philosopher meditating

What is Stoicism?

Stoicism is a way of thinking that helps people handle life's ups and downs. It's all about staying calm, thinking clearly, and focusing on what you can control. Learn more about Stoic practices.

Imagine you’re playing your favorite game, and it starts to rain. Instead of getting upset, you calmly decide to play inside. That’s a bit like being a Stoic—staying cool no matter what happens.

Stoicism teaches us that we can't control everything that happens to us, but we can control how we react. It's like when you get a bad grade on a test. You can’t change the grade, but you can choose to study harder next time instead of feeling bad about it. See how Stoicism can change your life here.

History of Stoicism

1. Origin

Stoicism began in ancient Greece around 300 BC. That’s more than 2,000 years ago! The philosophy was born in the bustling city of Athens, where people loved to discuss big ideas. Find out more about famous Stoics who spread this philosophy.

Zeno of Citium, the founder, started teaching Stoicism after losing everything in a shipwreck. Instead of feeling sorry for himself, he turned to philosophy. Read more about Zeno's philosophy.

If you're curious about how Stoicism can improve your emotional control, this article explains how to master it using Stoic principles.

2. Founder

Zeno of Citium started teaching Stoic ideas in Athens. He used to teach in a painted porch called the Stoa, which is where the name "Stoicism" comes from. Discover how Stoics practice their teachings.

Zeno's teachings focused on how to live a good and virtuous life. His followers, called Stoics, would gather and discuss how to be wise and calm in the face of life's challenges. Learn more about Stoic virtues and practices.

3. Spread

Stoicism spread to Rome and became popular among Roman leaders and thinkers. It was like the viral trend of the ancient world! Many Roman emperors, generals, and everyday people found Stoic principles useful in their lives. Explore how Stoic principles apply to modern living.

The most famous Stoic emperor was Marcus Aurelius, who wrote down his thoughts in a book called "Meditations." Learn more about Marcus Aurelius' writings and influence.

Core Principles of Stoicism

1. Wisdom

Knowing what is good, bad, and neutral. It’s like knowing the difference between healthy snacks and junk food. Wisdom helps you make the right choices in life. For example, if someone is mean to you, wisdom helps you understand that their behavior reflects on them, not you. See how wisdom builds confidence.

2. Courage

Being brave in the face of challenges. Think of a firefighter who stays brave to help people. Courage means facing difficulties without fear. When you try something new, like learning to ride a bike, you show courage by not giving up, even if you fall a few times. Learn more about managing anger with Stoic courage.

3. Justice

Treating others fairly and with respect. Imagine playing a game where everyone follows the rules and takes turns. Justice is about being fair and kind to everyone. If you see someone being bullied, justice encourages you to stand up for them. Discover how Stoics practiced justice in their lives.

4. Temperance

Practicing self-control and moderation. It’s like eating just one cookie when you really want to eat the whole jar. Temperance helps you avoid overindulging in anything. This principle teaches you to enjoy things in moderation, whether it's food, playtime, or screen time. Check out powerful Stoic exercises to build resilience.

Stoic principles illustration

Famous Stoic Philosophers

1. Marcus Aurelius

A Roman emperor who wrote "Meditations." He was like the wise grandparent who always knows what to say. His writings are filled with advice on how to live a good life. Marcus Aurelius believed in leading by example and often wrote about staying calm and focused, even when things were tough. Discover Marcus Aurelius' quotes to stop worrying.

Marcus Aurelius

2. Seneca

A Roman philosopher and advisor. Think of him as the smart friend who gives you great advice. He wrote many letters and essays on how to handle life's challenges. Seneca believed that we should live in harmony with nature and accept whatever happens with grace. Discover the benefits of Stoic journaling here.


3. Epictetus

A former slave who became a teacher. He showed that no matter where you start, you can achieve great things. Epictetus taught that true freedom comes from within. He believed that while we can't control events, we can control our reactions to them. Read more about how Stoic principles build self-confidence.

